So you might ask why a weird picture of us in gas-masks and painting suits is up here and that it really doesnt fit the fab design of the overall page. Good question!

Well, we invite you to join our community so we could share with you all thats going on behind the scenes, in-depth look into what we're doing in our Crickets Empire Studio  and how we're writing music or touring in the world. But also to our community members we offer discounts on merch and send some other goodies before they become available to the rest of the world. 

So hit subscribe and we promise we will not send you anything we ourselves would not want to get.

And thank you for your support! 
- J, M, H

NB! To all Gmail users: All our e-mails will go in your promotion tab. Just drag them to your primary mailbox tab and your life will be so much easier.

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